Giving Goals
Businesses that give back: do you have any idea how many exist?
It's a lot. Trust me.
I had the honor of working at a store called Threading Love in Lewisburg, PA while I worked out this whole bakery thing. I was a sales associate and now have the role of graphic designer. This store gives back in a big big way - and it partners with over 70 other brands that do the same.
Over 70. And that just scratches the surface.
Did you know you can assemble an entire wardrobe, furnish your house, and get your baby diapers that give back to others? Now add baked goods to the list.
If you haven't checked out Threading Love, do it.
Their founder, Kaitlin Schuck, really helped me see that this dream of mine can actually be a reality. Using a business to give back to my community while simultaneously turning a profit seems too good to be true, but it is true. And it works.
Here's the plan:
There will be a number of baked goods within the Gable House repertoire that will give back. With each purchase of those designated goods, a loaf of freshly baked bread will be donated to an organization locally that gives food to those who need it. Places like the Mifflinburg Food Bank, the Backpack Program, the Next Meal Program, Meals on Wheels, and more.
This past summer, I was able to be a part of the Next Meal Program. We planned, prepped, and delivered meals to 15 families in the Mifflinburg School District - 30 different children. All had been signed up through the school as families that receive food aid throughout the school year. Every other week or so, we sent a freshly baked loaf of bread with the meals for the family.
They LOVED the bread.
Grocery store bread says one thing - that someone spent $2 and a few minutes in the grocery store to give you the bread. A homemade loaf says something completely different. Someone went through hours of effort to put together this loaf, full of wholesome flavors and not stuffed with preservatives, so that your family could have something delicious and hearty to consume. Huge difference. Fresh bread communicates care in a way that I can't explain. And I want so much for people here in this community to experience that kind of goodness.
There will also be a neat opportunity: Goodness Tokens. This is how it works.
You come into the bakery to get your coffee and eclaire in the morning and decide you want a loaf of bread to take home too. You dig in your pocket for the cash and you're $1 short. Grab a Goodness Token and walk away with a loaf of bread at no cost to you.
Earlier that day someone else had come in to get their coffee and a whoopie pie - and a Goodness Token, which was left there for whoever wanted to use it. A stranger bought your loaf of bread.
The idea of neighbors giving blindly to their neighbors is one that builds community and allows people to care for one another without expecting something in return.
Wait, there's more.
Though this is a future goal and one that requires quite a bit of planning and for the business itself to be successful, it is really the driving force behind this bakery. I have met several people who are in need of a healthy, resume-building, skills-training type job. Learning the disciplines of baking and serving customers is a great platform for exactly that. Gable House will work with various non-profits to find the right employees who need an opportunity for vocational growth, working them through a well-planned program that would help them move forward. This is our ultimate goal.
How else can we give? I'm sure more opportunities and ideas will present themselves. If you have any, head to our contact page and let us know.